For parents


At Kraamzorg Gezocht, we make finding the ideal maternity nurse simple and personalized. We give you the freedom to choose an independent (self-employed) maternity nurse who fits exactly with your needs. One dedicated professional for the entire maternity week, right in your area. All our maternity nurses are registered with KCKZ, the renowned registration and quality assurance body for maternity care. Thanks to our extensive network, we guarantee personalized care, always preceded by a intake interview.

For parents seeking an unforgettable maternity period, Kraamzorg Gezocht is the ultimate partner. Our focus is on your peace of mind and providing care that aligns with your wishes. We understand how important it is to find the right care and assistance for this precious time. With us, you're in control: select the perfect maternity nurse who fully meets your needs.

Benefits of Kraamzorg Gezocht:

  • Choose the best maternity nurse who suits your needs

  • Professional maternity care near you

  • The maternity nurses we work with are registered with KCKZ, the registration and quality assurance body for maternity care

  • Through our extensive network, we guarantee personalized care, always preceded by an intake interview

  • There are no costs associated with finding a maternity nurse

  • We are contracted with all Dutch health insurance companies


What are the costs?

There are no costs associated with finding a self-employed maternity nurse(s) that suits your needs. Your insurer will reimburse the hours of maternity care determined for you. However, you will pay a personal contribution of €5.10 per hour.

Additional insurance

If you have additional insurance, there is a good chance that your insurer will reimburse this personal contribution to you. It depends on your additional insurance, but you may also receive reimbursement for other products and services, such as lactation consultancy (from a breastfeeding expert) or delayed maternity care (if your baby comes home from the hospital after the maternity period, for example, after a stay in the incubator).

You will find more information in your policy terms or in the reimbursement overview of your additional insurance. Or contact your health insurer. Kraamzorg Gezocht is part of De Kraamvogel. Contracts have been concluded with all health insurers. Kraamzorg Gezocht has national coverage.

Do you have any questions about self-employed maternity care (zzp kraamzorg) or other related topics? At Kraamzorg Gezocht, we understand that as a parent, you may have specific questions about self-employed maternity care professionals, rates, and other aspects. Feel free to contact us.


How it works?

Step 1

On our website, you can easily search for a maternity nurse who suits you by entering your zipcode or city in the search bar on the homepage. This will show you the number of maternity nurses available around your due date.

Step 2

Once you've found a suitable maternity nurse(s), sign up with Kraamzorg Gezocht. We will then contact the maternity nurse(s) you've chosen to see if they are available. We recommend choosing multiple maternity nurses, up to three, in case your first choice is not available.

Step 3

If one of your maternity nurses is available, your registration becomes final, and you will receive a link to your online maternity dossier. Your maternity nurse will then contact you. Initially, she will do this by phone, followed by an intake interview.

Step 4

Check off 'Arrange maternity care' on your to-do list and enjoy your pregnancy!